Join with us!

There are several ways that you can be involved in the life and ministry of Fish Lake Lutheran Church. Being involved strengthens the entire faith community as well as individuals within the community. Find an area of interest as you grow together with us in Christian faith, hope, and love. Learn how to become a member here.


February 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Worship
  • Fish Lake Council
  • WELCA Worktime
  • WELCA Meeting Time
  • Community Meal
  • Confirmation
  • Faith Weavers
  • Choir Practice
  • Worship
  • Social Ministry Meeting
  • Community Meal
  • Confirmation
  • Faith Weavers
  • F55 Valentines Party
  • Deadline for Vine&Branches
  • Block of the Month
  • Choir Practice
  • Worship
  • Community Meal
  • Confirmation
  • Faith Weavers
  • WELCA Sewing/Coffee Time
  • Tool Kit for Congregational Leaders & Conference Assemblies
  • Food Shelf Collection Sunday
  • Worship
  • Fourth Sunday Forum
  • Community Meal
  • Confirmation
  • Faith Weavers
  • Property Committee
Calendar of Events
Featured Programs


Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

First Monday of Each Month
The Children, Youth, and Family (CYF) committee is a group of dedicated volunteers who work together to plan programming for our youngest members. Our CYF is large enough to offer opportunities for spiritual growth; yet small enough to make a personal connection with others in the church.


Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (W.E.L.C.A.)

First Wednesday of Each Month
The Fish Lake Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America meet the first Wednesday of the month for a time of sewing, quilting, lunch, business, and Bible Study.  It’s a wonderful time of support and fellowship.  The women provide beautiful quilts for families in need and special occasions like baptisms and graduate recognition, and for other organizations.  

Missions – All ages

Check Back for meeting details or contact ___
Our church loves to serve. Over the years, we have taken many mission trips working alongside communities across the United States with both youth and intergenerational groups.  We also have a special connection with the Iringa Diocese of Tanzania in connection with our social ministry group (see below).  We visit, pray with, and support each other as one family of God.




Grades k-5

Faith Weavers 

Wednesday Evenings During School Year (Sept. – May)
Every child learns and grows in different ways. This Bible based, hands-on program uses a variety of activities to “weave” stories from the Bible into the lives of our children. Our mixed age group allows all children to learn together with cooperation. Each week comes with a new activity:  art, movement, reading, maps, science, music, meditation, cooking, fellowship, service projects, etc.  


Vacation Bible School

Annually in August
Each summer children from all over the community gather to celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ with a fun and wacky VBS theme. We start with dinner and then go into worship, games, skits, projects, and of course lessons from the Bible! Our VBS is a longtime Fish Lake tradition and a highlight of the summer.


Grades 1-8


Camp Wapogasset Summer Camp

Annually in July
Our big-hearted congregation at Fish Lake has a generous scholarship fund to send our youth to camp each summer. We go as a big group and experience the Holy Spirit in a whole new way.  Learn more here.


Grades 6-9


Fish Lake’s confirmation program is a three-year program beginning in 6th grade and ending in the fall of the ninth grade year. Curriculum includes both the Old and New Testament, the Ten Commandments, Baptism, Holy Communion, Confessions, Creeds, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Reformation. Opportunities for worship, service, and spiritual renewal are integrated throughout the program as well.

Programs & Ministries *click to open*

Social Ministry

Meeting Details General—TBD
The Social Ministry committee helps generate awareness of both local and global needs and concerns in our community and beyond. This committee organizes drives for food, winter clothes, and birthday party kits. They also bring attention to issues of social justice by lifting up the voices of marginalized people in our world.


Worship and Music

Meeting Details General—TBD
Sister LaDonna Olson is an accomplished musician/organist who serves as a deacon in Word and Service. The worship and music committee works closely with Sr. LaDonna in choosing music and organizing leaders for each service. This is a committee who feels a call to shape the worship experience into a meaningful and sacred time together.


Meeting Details General—TBD
This committee is in charge of maintaining the history, integrity, and workings of the Fish Lake Lutheran Church cemetery. This dedicated group meets twice a year.  



Meeting Details General—TBD
Fish Lake is always growing into the future. This means keeping up to date with the latest technologies for online worship and social media. This committee is gifted with maintaining our website and bringing worship to our at-home congregation members.  

Altar Guild

Meeting Details General—TBD
The Fish Lake altar guild is responsible for the care and upkeep of the altar paraments and furnishings.  They decorate according to the season of the church year and make sure communion preparation is taken care of regularly.

Property and Grounds

Meeting Details General—TBD
This committee participates in many projects in and around the church building.  Projects include cemetery care and upkeep, landscaping, and general maintenance of our building.  There are many talented and gifted people who serve with grateful hearts on this committee.  It’s a “hands-on” ministry!

Evangelism and Stewardship

Meeting Details General—TBD
Jesus said, “ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20).  This committee leads our church in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ through our time and talents. 

Church Council

Meeting Details General—TBD
Our church is governed by an elected council. This group of gifted leaders work closely with the pastor to set the direction of our church.  We trust that the Spirit of God will guide the way as we strive to live as followers of Jesus Christ.


We would love to have you join us! We conduct new member classes twice per year, usually in the fall and spring. The first evening includes dinner, brief remarks from staff members describing their area of responsibility, and an opportunity to meet other new members. During the second evening, a pastor will provide a brief overview of Lutheran theology and the mission and vision of Fish Lake. New members are then received during a Sunday morning worship service. 


What we believe about baptism—Baptism initiates us into a lifelong relationship with God who loves us unconditionally. We are washed in the promise that nothing can ever separate us from this love—not even death.This promise is sealed with the power of the Spirit.

Lutheran Christians practice baptism of all ages because we believe that God does not require a mature or intelligent faith before claiming us. God opens wide the door and pours out faith upon us regardless of how qualified or prepared we are. Just as newborn children are always loved and included in the family, God welcomes us from the start.

Please call the church office to arrange a baptismal orientation session with the pastor.

For infants and children—We are excited that you want your child to be baptized at Fish Lake Lutheran.  As soon as you know when you would like your child to be baptized, please call the church office to confirm the date, names of your chosen sponsors and an approximate number of family and friends who will be attending.

Because of the important role the congregation plays in baptism, we require the baptism take place during the Sunday morning worship service. 

For adultsAs stated in the creeds of the church, “We believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.”  The promises are not exclusive to Lutherans alone. If you have never been baptized, we are happy to welcome you to the font. 

SponsorsPeople often wish to have sponsors, sometimes called “Godparents,” for their child.  The role of a sponsor is to aid parents in the promises they made to God and their child.  Sponsors, therefore, need to be people who view baptism as a sacramental gift from God, who will regularly pray for your child, who will remember your child on the baptismal anniversary, and who will provide a Christian witness in the way they live. This usually means that a sponsor should be an active member of a Christian church.  In addition to the sponsors, the congregation of Fish Lake also promises to support the faith of the newly baptized.


Congratulations on your engagement! Marriage is a gift of God, intended for the joy and strength of those who enter it. Fish Lake Lutheran is pleased to offer the blessing of Jesus Christ to couples of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We welcome both members and non-members to be married in our beautiful sanctuary with the support of our faith community. 

All couples are required to attend counseling with the pastor. As part of this required preparation, we ask couples to take an assessment with Prepare-Enrich. We will also help plan the music, scripture readings, and vows. We pray that this time of preparation can help strengthen your marriage and prepare for a life of joy and happiness.

Wedding Planning Booklet ← link to pdf
includes the costs and describes our policies and protocols


 “Now you let your servant go in peace….” Luke 2:29

We are beautifully created in the image of God. Yet, death is also a part of the human experience as our bodies face the limits of our creation. As baptized children of God we live into the promise that death does not have the final word. And we look toward the day when all suffering shall cease as we abide in eternal union with God.  

Pastoral Care—We are a caring and compassionate community. If you or a loved one is ill, hospitalized, or approaching death, please let us know. You are not alone. The love of God surrounds us always.

Pre-planning—Whenever possible, it is beneficial for each person to plan his or her own funeral. The church has materials available to help you plan and a pastor will be happy to assist. This can be done at any age, whether or not you are sick or expecting to die soon. Fish Lake will keep your plans on file, and you can update them at any time.   

Fish Lake Cemetery—We take deep pride in the upkeep, beauty, and tradition of our cemetery.  Officially dedicated in 1876, the grounds mark a final resting place of over 1,000 individuals, many of whom do not have a grave marker. Yet, the traditions of honoring our loved ones through Holy rituals and words bring peace and healing as we seek comfort in our grief.  Self-guided cemetery tours are available.  For information regarding a burial at Fish Lake Cemetery, please contact Marty Zachrison at 763-754-9841.

Catering and Reception—Our Fellowship Hall is open for receptions and catering.  For information on food service, contact Jane Chapman at 763-689-3297.  Fees are listed in the link below.

A funeral at Fish Lake is a religious service. It can be as large or small as you desire and can range from a few minutes to an hour or more. To get started, please contact the church office or Pastor Teleen. We also recommend using the services of a funeral home. Please let the church know if you need financial assistance.  FUNERAL FEES LINK

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