Welcome to Fish Lake Lutheran Church

We are a cozy congregation nestled in the countryside of east central Minnesota. As people of faith, we turn to God’s wisdom in search of meaning and hope. This is a journey we take together, giving each other comfort and encouragement along the way. Whether you are new to a faith practice or have deep roots within the church, Fish Lake is a church that is here for each season of life.
Ash Wednesday
March 5, 6:30pm
Worship and the Imposition of Ashes
Lenten Lunch
Wednesdays at 11:00am
March 12 – April 9
Worship, a cup of soup, and discussion of Joyce Rupp’s book, The Cup of our Life.

A Mixed Pot
Wednesdays at 5:30pm
March 19-April 9
Part of our Wednesday evening children and youth programing with an open invitation to all interested adults.